Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Power Shell command builder tool from Microsoft Tech Net

Power Shell command builder tool from Microsoft Tech Net.


Not able to login to the server because "The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections"

If you are not able to login to the server because you are getting the message: "The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections", and you have to login to the server immediately without waiting for the other person to log off, feeling helpless. Here’s an solution:

1. Go to the command prompt of your machine, i.e Window + R(RUN) type cmd.
2. Do a forced login to the server using the command in the command prompt - mstsc /v: servername(or IP address) /admin /f. Press Enter.
3. Enter the ADMINISTRATOR credentials, and now you will be logged into the machine, logoff other users from the server using the task manager.